Feather + Bloom Blossoms in St. Augustine
Growing up on a farm, Brandi Williams’ was immersed in nature at a young age. Picking strawberries, raspberries, corn, sugar snap peas and harvesting seasonal crops was a part of life.
Now Brandi won’t claim she loved the chores associated with farming and homesteading but she was always awed and inspired by the beauty and detail of nature’s gifts that each season brings.
Fast forward to Brandi’s adult life where she has a career far removed from the rural setting of her childhood. She comes home from her 9 to 5 management position and releases the stress of her day by pulling weeds and planting her garden.
What she had once considered a daily chore is now therapy and an escape from her 9 to 5 job. Brandi quickly realized that her after-work ritual was more than therapeutic. It brought her pure joy, reminding her of the things she was missing and craving most in life.
And so, everything came full circle. Brandi began spending more time doing what she loved, growing plants for cut flowers and trying her hand at arranging. She realized she wanted flowers to be her everyday life. So, she convinced her husband to let her leave the corporate world and pursue flowering full-time. In 2015, her husband who she dubbs “the man behind the blooms” helped Brandi launch Feather + Bloom.
Today, Feather + Bloom is a boutique floral design studio through which Brandi shares her love of flowers with St. Augustine. The studio’s focus is on organic, garden style, handtied blooms and arranged floral pieces as well as styling. Brandi loves creating designs that are not only unique but a direct reflection of her clients’ vision.
You can visit Feather + Bloom’s truck which she has converted to a “stem bar” weekly at the Saturday Farmers’ Market. Be sure to also look for Brandi’s truck at Made in St. Augustine where she will not only offer her fresh cut flowers and small arrangements, but will work with kids at one of the festival’s Junior Made stations to create beautiful flower crowns.